Thursday, February 6, 2014


Early Childhood A is studying the continent of Asia.  To integrate art in their cultural learning, they created these Chinese lanterns.

Early Childhood B artist studied the self-portraits of Frida Kahlo.  Inspired by her work, ECB artists drew their own self-portraits.

Early Childhood B artist also read The Mitten by Jan Brett and made their own mittens. They traced their mitten, cut them, and colored them. Then they laced them through the holes.

Lower Elementary artists collaborated with Kolidiko to create a winter painting to add to our season collection.  Each student painted a winter scene.  Kolidiko took the paintings and cut them up to create this large collaborative painting.

Lower Elementary artists created these hands to represent their individuality to honor the life and achievements of Martin Luther King Jr.

Middle Elementary artists did a unit on pop ups, beginning with simple folds and cuts and working to more complex three dimensional designs.

Upper Elementary guide, Maria Burke, visited the National Gallery Art last year and was fascinated by an art installation by Byron Kim, called "Synedoche".  Maria wanted her students to study this piece, so they created their our own version, also in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr.  Synedoche is a figure of speech by which a part is put for the whole or the whole for a part. This installation is comprised of over four hundred 8" x 10" panels, each of which has been covered by a colored wax. Kim acquired each color based on the skin color of people who volunteered to be part of the work.  Upper Elementary artists experimented with paint to create a skin color that they felt best represented their skin.  They then painted fourteen (the number of students in their class) 3" x 4" swatches. Each students took one of each classmate's swatch and 

created their own "synedoche". 

Christy Berryessa, Abintra alumnae, is conducting our current art unit: a production of The Diary of Anne Frank. There will be multiple opportunities for participation for all in the play. Thus far, the students are thoroughly enjoying the work.

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