Thursday, May 9, 2013

Week 30

EC has been working with Missy on a collaboration piece about diversity.  The students identify their unique color of skin and mix colors to match.  They also talked about what color represents them and their personality.  They painted one piece of paper to match their skin and another piece of paper to represent their personality.   Missy will take the pieces of paper from all the students and combine it into a one big face painting using the skin colors and a background using their personality colors. Be sure to check back next week to see the final piece!

LE has been discussing Earth Day and the importance of recycling.  Using recycled magazines and paper they created trees inspired by the colorful circles of Wassily Kandisky.

Tree by Lucas

ME continues their three dimensional sculptures by experimenting with cardboard.

UE has been learning about growing plants and herbs in science.  In art, they built and painted planters out of recycled palettes to put their herbs in.

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