Monday, April 15, 2013

Week 27

ECA explores colors, specifically, mixing primary colors to make secondary colors, using an eye dropper and food coloring.

ECB continues to explore the many ways of printmaking by using the end of a celery stalk to make prints. 


ECC students asked for blank paper after studying Van Gogh’s "Sunflowers" and "Starry Night". They were given blank paper and watercolor to create whatever they would like with this work.

Artwork by Madeline

LE is kicking off the Spring season by creating a multimedia piece involving weaving, haiku, painting, and collage about what Spring is to them.  This project will take 3 weeks so be sure to check back to see the final piece.


ME created collage butterflies as part of their unit on this case, bilateral.  They've combined some of their woven Ojos de Dios, God’s Eyes, with the butterflies just for fun!


Middle School studied the nature sculptures of Andy Goldsworthy and watched parts of his documentary, Rivers and Tides.  Over spring break they created their own nature sculptures inspired by his work.

Nature Sculpture by Adam

Aftercare Art students take advantage of this beautiful Spring weather by taking their art outside.  They each picked a spot on campus to do a drawing of.


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