Early Childhood artists learned about the work of the most international prestigious Spanish architect and designer, Antonio Gaudi. They viewed several pieces of his work including his stained glass work. The students designed their own version of a stained glass out of melted crayon shavings.
"The New Year is off with a bang with our Early Childhood musicians! We began with discovering new rhythm and tonal patterns. The children are successfully playing Mouse Mousie as their duple rhythm ensemble piece. It's played on resonator bars for melody and a variety of percussion instruments to layer complementary rhythms. This year, I'm consistently introducing triple meter activities during each class in a variety of new songs. Its important that the children continue to experience the success they have earned so we are sure to maintain and revisit our previous material. Their creativity and ability to express themselves through music and movement is growing in leaps and bounds. I'm extremely proud of each and every one of these students. Together we share the love of music and the energy it brings!" - Kari, Musikgarten instructor
Lower Elementary artists learned how geometry is used in art through tessellations. They viewed the work of M.C. Escher and then created their own tessellation.
Tessellation by Alia |
The music lessons in the Lower Elementary classroom have been supporting the idea of friendship. Group singing of "friendship" songs and group activities with rhythm and melody have the students working and enjoying music together, while learning songs they will remember for a long time. Activities such as Music Math and Pass-a-Rhythm reinforce past lessons and are on a gradual increase of complexities. Demonstrations of instruments from around the world continue to be an enjoyable activity that encourages discussion and imagination and the enchanting music of Tibetan Monks really had the students curious.
DeAndre from the Nashville Ballet led a great workshop with Lower Elementary students. The students practiced listening to music and translating their feelings into movement.
Middle Elementary students put on a wonderful performance of Alice in Wonderland, directed by Christy Berryessa, for their parents and fellow students.
Upper Elementary artists continue their exploration of Renaissance paintings. The students had a choice to create a tempera painting inspired by the Early Renaissance or an oil painting inspired by the Late Renaissance.
Middle Elementary and Upper Elementary students visited the Nashville Children's Theater to see the wonderful production of "Jack's Tale: A Mythic Mountain Musical".
Middle School created a video for their parent conferences that touched on milestones in their life as well as what they have learned about the world during their time at Abintra. Here is a link to a video created by one of the seniors. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUkA4bSoiEg.
Aftercare artist have been exploring perspective drawing.
Aftercare artists learned about the work of American painter, Georgia O'Keefe, and created flower paintings inspired by her work using watercolors and soft pastels.
Flower by Lillie |