Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Week 12

EC’s  solar system (astronomy) art project involves placing the planets in order while also coloring the planets according to their actual colors.  The project combined tracing the inset of the planets, coloring the planets with oil pastels, and finally painting over them in black watercolor.  This also allows the children to observe that watercolors do not paint over oil pastels (oil and water don't mix). Art and science are a natural complement to each other.

In the last few weeks, ME has been working with clay.  They have experimented with rolling and cutting slabs, revisited pinch and coil methods, and have created a little menagerie of wee beasties and containers. 

Clay fish by Ava

ME also visited the Nashville Children’s Theater to see the production of
“You're a Good Man Charlie Brown” .

UE continued their study of religious art focusing on Islam.  They learned about the significance of geometric patterns in Islamic art and created their own unique patterns.

Pattern design by Camila

The term "perspective" comes from the Latin word "prospectus", meaning "to look forward." MS continued their study of drawing by looking forward towards the deceptively simple shapes of a tricycle. Students did several short sketches of the tricycle from different angles before selecting a spot from which to make a more complete study. The challenge of properly viewing and drawing the various foreshortened shapes was engaging and beneficial. 

Aftercare Art learned about the Australian artist, Friedensreich Hundertwasser. Inspired by his contemporary work, the students created multi-media art using bright colors and organic forms.

Artwork by Caroline